How to maintain your smile after braces

Have you recently finished orthodontic treatment and are wondering what’s next? At Lake Jackson Orthodontics, we’re experts at transforming smiles and helping our patients maintain them for years to come.

Dr. Kevin McGrory is here to help guide you through the post-treatment process! Below we will go over some of our favorite tips to help you avoid undoing your hard work and set you up for orthodontic success.

Schedule regular checkups with your dentist.

One of the first steps to take after removing your braces is to schedule a regular checkup with your dentist. During this visit, you’ll receive your first post-treatment cleaning. This visit will not only help keep your new smile shiny and bright, but it will also help your dentist detect any issues that may arise.

By scheduling your regular six-month checkup, you’re ensuring that your orthodontic treatment does not go to waste! 

Maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine.

While in treatment, you were probably used to brushing, flossing, and finishing regularly – and the good news is nothing has to change now! Your oral hygiene is imperative to your new smile journey, and we want to ensure you’re set up for success. 

Dr. McGrory recommends brushing twice a day and flossing every night. By doing these simple steps, you’re helping to ensure your gums are in their best shape. It’s also helpful to rinse with water after eating or drinking anything else. This step will reduce sugars that adhere to your teeth and prevent decay.

Go easy as you adjust to post-treatment life.

Aside from a new smile, one of the most noticeable differences in the months following treatment is increased sensitivity. This feeling is common, especially after removing traditional braces, and will be short-lived. 

There are several ways to relieve the sensitivity during this time, such as avoiding certain foods and using specific toothpaste. In the days following treatment, try to avoid hot or cold foods, as these will only cause more sensitivity. You can also try using special toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth. But don’t worry; this phase of post-treatment life is expected and only temporary.

Wear and care for your retainers as directed by Dr. McGrory.

Here at Lake Jackson Orthodontics, we don’t want to see your orthodontic treatment investment go to waste. Often, we will see patients who need to be retreated due to forgetting to wear their retainers. This is why we saved the most important tip for last: wear your retainers. Dr. McGrory will provide clear instructions on when and how to wear your retainers following treatment, along with how to care for them.

The care of your retainers is almost as critical as wearing them. While our team will direct you on the care during your debonding appointment, it’s as simple as keeping them clean and storing them properly. 

How To Maintain Your Smile After BracesMaintain your smile with Lake Jackson Orthodontics.

Whether you’ve already received treatment and forgotten to wear your retainer or if you’re interested in starting treatment. Our Lake Jackson, TX team is here to help you receive the smile you’ve always wanted! Schedule a free consultation today.